Sunghoon’s name analysis

Celebrity name analysis is based on their real names

박 성훈 朴 成訓 Park Sunghoon

성훈’s name statistics




Statistics on Korean names from 2008 to Oct. 2024

박 성훈’s Saju Information

This Saju is based on the date of birth of celebrity.




· Five Elements in Four Pillars

Using the elements of the Five Phases (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water), a person’s fortune, personality, health, and talents are interpreted based on how these elements are arranged in their Four Pillars of Destiny.






· Five Elements in Phonetics

The sound of a name is analyzed to determine which of the Five Phases (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water) it belongs to, and whether it harmonizes with the person’s Four Pillars.






The Meaning of 박 성훈’s Name


SungTo Accomplish, To Achieve

HoonTo Teach, To Guide

The name 박 성훈(Park Sunghoon) consists of three characters: 朴(Wood), 成(Fire), and 訓(Metal). Each character represents one of the five elements, resulting in a balanced distribution of Wood, Fire, and Metal.
“朴(Wood) 成(Fire) 訓(Metal) -> Wood(1), Fire(1), Metal(1)
In this context, Wood symbolizes creation and benevolence, often associated with growth and vitality. The presence of Wood suggests that Sunghoon has a nurturing and creative personality, able to inspire and uplift those around him. Fire, which represents division and joy, adds an element of energy and enthusiasm. This means he likely possesses a lively spirit and can motivate others with his charisma. Lastly, Metal signifies fruitfulness and justice, indicating a strong sense of fairness and the ability to make sound decisions
The combination of these elements creates a harmonious balance. Wood fuels Fire, promoting creativity and passion, while Fire can generate Metal, enhancing clarity and decisiveness. This relationship is beneficial as it fosters a dynamic and adaptable character who is capable of both nurturing and leading.
Overall, the elements in Sunghoon’s name suggest he is a person who embodies creativity, energy, and fairness. These traits can positively influence his interactions and relationships, making him a supportive and inspiring figure in both personal and professional environments.
The name `박 성훈` introduces one Wood, two Fire, and two Metal elements, which helps to compensate for the lack of Wood and Earth in his Saju. The presence of Wood in the name promotes creativity and benevolence, fostering supportive relationships that can provide stability. Fire enhances his drive and ambition, encouraging him to pursue goals with passion and vigor. The Metal element contributes to a sense of justice and structure, helping to balance emotional fluctuations by promoting logical decision-making

Analysis of 박 성훈’s Saju

In 박 성훈(朴 成訓)’s Saju, the predominance of Water suggests a strong influence of emotions and adaptability in his life. With three Water elements, he may experience fluctuations in willpower and luck, which can lead to both challenges and opportunities. The presence of Fire indicates a desire for recognition and honor, which can drive him toward ambitious pursuits. However, the lack of Wood and Earth may result in challenges related to stability and support, particularly in family dynamics and personal relationships.

Detailed interpretation of Saju

박 성훈(朴 成訓) may find himself navigating a career that requires emotional intelligence, as his Water elements enhance his ability to connect with others. Relationships could be deeply influenced by his nurturing side, particularly with maternal figures, while he may need to guard against being overly dependent on their support. His Fire element points to potential success in endeavors that showcase his talents, but he should remain mindful of not letting pride lead to conflicts with colleagues or friends. Health-wise, he should pay attention to stress management, as emotional fluctuations could impact his well-being. Personal growth will likely revolve around developing resilience and finding balance, especially in areas where he feels lacking, such as stability and assertiveness. Embracing moderation will be key to harmonizing the strong Water and Fire influences in his life.

To achieve better harmony

To further balance the elements, 박 성훈 should engage in activities that promote Earth, such as gardening or spending time in nature, which can help ground him emotionally. Practicing mindfulness or meditation can also aid in managing the emotional intensity associated with his Water elements. Additionally, surrounding himself with supportive friends and family can reinforce stability and provide a solid foundation for personal growth. Lastly, embracing teamwork and collaboration will help mitigate prideful tendencies linked to his Fire element, fostering harmonious relationships.